Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Climbing on Netflix — 180º South

180º South is a great documentary that is available on Netflix. It follows one man's dirtbag climbing/ adventure lifestyle as he heads to Patagonia to climb.

If you are like me, you have done internet searches for feature rock climbing films. What you mostly find though is alpine movies about deaths in the Himalayas. In searching I found 180º South and have watched it multiple times.

This film takes you on a journey that you might not have expected as social vs industrial issues arise about the consumer society that the world has become. This film reminds us that we can't just continue to take from the land and not give anything back. As climbers we understand the beauty of the outdoors and that it must be protected so that people to come can have the same experience that we had.

Well, if you are looking for a film to watch check out 180º South available on Netflix.

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